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GuruFocus Store

Our new store offers a small collection of shirts, hats and even a hoodie

Have you ever wanted to express your love for GuruFocus and value investing through your clothing? Well, now you can!

GuruFocus is pleased to announce that we now have merchandise available to order at our online store.

After receiving several inquiries from GuruFocus users, we designed a small collection of T-shirts, hats and even a hoodie in a variety of styles and colors.


While each product features our logo, several different phrases are featured on the back of the shirts, including “Invest Like a Guru,” “Follow in the Footsteps of

Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio)” and “Serving Global Investors Since 2004.”




Further, the merchandise is solely for branding purposes, so the products are priced at cost and we do not profit from the sales.

You can browse the GuruFocus Store here.

If you have any other merchandise ideas, please share them with us to consider adding to the collection.

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