Triple Buys: Stocks that Gurus, Insiders and Companies Are Buying
Triple Buying Screener can be used to find the stocks that Gurus, Insiders, and Companies themselves considered undervalued and are buying.
Triple Buying Screener is made for Premium Members to screen the stocks that three parties are buying: Gurus, Insiders, and Company buybacks.
The company buy back rate is the annual average rate of total shares reduction over the past 3 years.
Please keep in mind that these conditions are very strict, the number of stocks that passed the screen is very small.
If you need more ideas, you may want to relax the screening conditions.
To find out why GuruFocus thinks data on insider trades is interesting, read
Can Aggregated Insider Trading Activities Predict the Market?
Stocks That Both Gurus and Insiders Are Buying
Can Aggregated Insider Trading Activities Predict the Market of Different Sectors?
* Note that the monthly insider buy/sell ratio for the current month is calculated based on insider buy/sell transactions within 30 days.
Investment Trend of Insiders by Sectors and Industries.
Companies whose CEOs are buying their own stock.
Companies whose CFOs are buying their own stock.
Stocks that multiple company officers and directors have bought.
Stocks that multiple company officers and directors have bought.
Companies that both Gurus and Insiders are buying
Companies that both Gurus and Insiders are buying, and Company is buying back.
Download all recent insider trades data into Excel.