PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk Stock Historical Dividends and Yields -
No dividend reductions since 2022
0% (Trailing)
0% (Forward)
Dividend Yield
Dividend Payout Ratio
Growth Rate (5-Year)
Yield on Cost (5-Year)
3-Year Share Buyback Ratio
Total Return Calculator
Dividend Growth
Dividend History
Dividend Yield History
Dividend Yield % : Close to 1-year low
This is the historical trailing annual dividend yield of PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. Buying stocks at higher yield relative its historical values is usually more profitable.
No data available
Dividend Per Share History
This the dividend history of PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk
No data available
Dividend Payout Ratio
This is the historical payout ratio of PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. If the dividend payout ratio is close to or higher than 1, dividends might not be sustainable.
No data available