The stock of Green Planet (PLAG, Financial) experienced significant volatility, with a notable increase of 8.43%. The current trading price is $2.83 per share, with a trading volume of 3,478 shares and a turnover rate of 0.05%. The stock's amplitude reached 6.51%.
Recent financial reports reveal that Green Planet generated $1.81 million in revenue, with a net loss of $1.19 million, resulting in an earnings per share of -$0.16 and a gross profit of -$377,400. The price-to-earnings ratio stands at -1.80, with no current institutional ratings for buy, hold, or sell recommendations.
Within its industry, the overall growth is 0.50%. Notable movers include Nn, Inc., Air T, Inc., and Green Planet, with significant activity in stocks like Falcons Beyond Global Inc and Nn, Inc.
Green Planet Holdings is a diversified company engaged in chemical products, tea production, and online advertising services across North America and China.