Mar 03, 2020 / 04:45PM GMT
Benjamin Daniel Swinburne - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MD
Okay. We're going to get started. I'm Ben Swinburne, Morgan Stanley's media analyst. And please note that all important disclosures, including personal holdings disclosures and Morgan Stanley disclosures, appear on the Morgan Stanley public website at or at the registration desk.
With that out of the way, we're really excited for our next keynote speaker. I'd like to welcome back to the conference, Brian Roberts, the Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Brian, thanks for being here.
Brian L. Roberts - Comcast Corporation - Chairman & CEO
Great to be here. Thanks, everybody, for coming out.
Questions and Answers:
Benjamin Daniel Swinburne - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MDSo a lot to talk about, I want to go through all your businesses and talk about what you see as the most important things