T. Rowe Price Japan Fund | PRJPXMutual Fund | |
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund | |
Last update 2024-10-15 | 71 Stocks (10 new) |
Value $286.00 Mil | Turnover 12 % |
Portfolio Report |
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund Investing Philosophy
Security selection reflects a growth style. The fund relies on a global team of investment analysts who are dedicated to in-depth fundamental research in an effort to identify companies capable of achieving and sustaining above-average, long-term earnings growth. T Rowe Price seeks to purchase stocks of such companies at reasonable prices in relation to present or anticipated earnings, cash flow or book value.
In selecting investments, the fund generally favors companies with one or more of the following characteristics: leading or improving market position; attractive business niche; attractive or improving franchise or industry position; seasoned management; stable or improving earnings and/or cash flow; and sound or improving balance sheet.
In selecting investments, the fund generally favors companies with one or more of the following characteristics: leading or improving market position; attractive business niche; attractive or improving franchise or industry position; seasoned management; stable or improving earnings and/or cash flow; and sound or improving balance sheet.
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Ticker |
Ticker | | Company | Date | Action | Impact % | Price Range | Price | Price Change from Avrg% | Comment | Current Shares | Share Change |
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund Total Holding History ($B)
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund's Asset Allocation
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund Past Portfolios
Portfolio Date | Number of Stocks | New Stocks | Total Value ($Mil) | Q/Q Turnover |
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T. Rowe Price Japan Fund's Hypothetical Growth since 2024-09-30
T. Rowe Price Japan Fund's Yearly Returns
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