Frank Sands

Frank Sands

Sands Capital Management
Last update 2024-11-15 67 Stocks (3 new)
Value $32.95 Bil Turnover 4 %
Portfolio Report

Frank Sands Profile

Frank M. Sands, Jr., CFA is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Sands Capital Management, an investment management firm focused on investing in quality growth businesses throughout the world. He spends most of his time on investment research and decision making, as well as business strategy.
Sands Capital Management was founded by his father, Frank M. Sands, Sr. in 1992. Frank Sands, Jr. joined the firm in 2000 after working for six years as a research analyst and portfolio manager for Fayez Sarofim & Co., an institutional investment management firm based in Houston, Texas. Since joining Sands Capital Management, working alongside his father, the firm has continued to produce strong investment results for its clients. Sands Jr. earned a BA from Washington & Lee University, an MS from Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia.

Frank Sands Investing Philosophy

Sands Capital believes that over time, stock prices reflect the earnings growth of their underlying businesses. Their team is dedicated to identifying the relatively small number of truly exceptional growth businesses that they expect to own for many years. The firm has two primary concentrated growth strategies: Select Growth, emphasizing rapidly growing innovative businesses, and Global Growth, emphasizing rapidly growing business all over the world.
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