Columbia Wanger13F | |
Columbia Wanger Asset Management | |
Last update 2018-02-13 | 212 Stocks (22 new) |
Value $6.69 Bil | Turnover 14 % |
Portfolio Report |
Columbia Wanger Profile
Columbia Management Investment Advisors is a hedge fund and asset management company based in Chicago, Illinois. It looks after investments for individual investors, financial advisors and wealth managers. Columbia Wanger Asset Management is a subsidiary that manages the Columbia Acorn Funds.
Columbia Wanger Investing Philosophy
Columbia Wanger takes a disciplined approach to investing, identifying the risks to pursue consistent returns, It prefers to invest in lesser-known growth opportunities that do not appear to have their potential represented in their stock price. It also interprets the latest economic and market trends and factors them into investing decisions.
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Ticker | | Company | Date | Action | Impact % | Price Range | Price | Price Change from Avrg% | Comment | Current Shares | Share Change |
Columbia Wanger Total Holding History ($B)
Columbia Wanger's Asset Allocation
Columbia Wanger Past Portfolios
Portfolio Date | Number of Stocks | New Stocks | Total Value ($Mil) | Q/Q Turnover |
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Columbia Wanger's Hypothetical Growth since 2017-12-31
Columbia Wanger's Yearly Returns
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