Chou RRSP FundMutual Fund | |
Chou RRSP Fund | |
Last update 2024-09-03 | 16 Stocks (3 new) |
Value $18.00 Mil | Turnover 15 % |
Portfolio Report |
Chou RRSP Fund Profile
Chou RRSP Fund's inception date is October 30, 1986. The fund is managed by Chou Associates Management Inc.
The Fund's objective is to provide long-term growth of capital by investing in equity and debt instruments of primarily Canadian businesses. The Fund may invest in equity and debt instruments of U.S. and foreign businesses. Investments may include common and preferred shares, convertible debentures, government and corporate bonds and short-term indebtedness. Unitholder approval is required in order to change the fundamental investment objectives of the Fund.
As of Dec. 31, 2013, his fund gained 8.3% per year for the past 15 years, compared with the 6.5%/year gain of S&P/TSX in the same period. Since inception, the fund gained 9.7% a year, while the S&P/TSX gained 7.5% a year.
Chou RRSP Fund Investing Philosophy
The investment process followed in selecting equity investments for the Funds is a value-oriented approach to investing. This involves a detailed analysis of the strengths of individual companies, with much less emphasis on short-term market factors. Far greater importance is placed upon an assessment of a company's balance sheet, cash flow characteristics, profitability, industry position, special strengths, future growth potential and management ability.
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Chou RRSP Fund Total Holding History ($B)
Chou RRSP Fund's Asset Allocation
Chou RRSP Fund Past Portfolios
Portfolio Date | Number of Stocks | New Stocks | Total Value ($Mil) | Q/Q Turnover |
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