Williams Companies Inc (STU:WMB)
€ 54.82 -0.13 (-0.24%) Market Cap: 67.55 Bil Enterprise Value: 92.53 Bil PE Ratio: 24.80 PB Ratio: 5.76 GF Score: 63/100

Williams Companies Inc at TD Securities Energy Conference (Virtual) - Fireside Chat Transcript

Jul 07, 2021 / 03:30PM GMT
Release Date Price: €22.3
Linda Ezergailis
TD Securities Equity Research - Research Analyst

Good morning, and welcome, everyone. With me today is Micheal Dunn, the EVP and Chief Operating Officer of Williams. Welcome, Micheal.

Micheal G. Dunn
The Williams Companies, Inc. - Executive VP & COO

Thanks, Linda. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today for our virtual energy conference.

Linda Ezergailis
TD Securities Equity Research - Research Analyst

Thank you. Hopefully, next year, we can do this in person.

Micheal G. Dunn
The Williams Companies, Inc. - Executive VP & COO

I sure hope so.

Questions & Answers

Linda Ezergailis
TD Securities Equity Research - Research Analyst

Well, in the interest of time, we don't have a lot of time. So I thought I'd jump into some questions that I have prepared, and the audience is teeing up questions as we speak. So I'll revert to that as they come in.

Maybe we can just start with a

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