Boyer K. David Jr. - Net Worth and Insider Trading

Boyer K. David Jr. Net Worth

The estimated net worth of Boyer K. David Jr. is at least $963,279 dollars as of 2024-12-01. Boyer K. David Jr. is the Director of Truist Financial Corp and owns about 20,203 shares of Truist Financial Corp (TFC) stock worth over $963,279. Details can be seen in Boyer K. David Jr.'s Latest Holdings Summary section.

Disclaimer: The insider information is derived from SEC filings. The estimated net worth is based on the final shares held after open market or private purchases and sales of common stock with a transaction code of "P" or "S" on Form 4, assuming that Boyer K. David Jr. has not made any transactions after 2024-03-07 and currently still holds the listed stock(s). Please note that this estimate may not reflect the actual net worth.

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Transaction Summary of Boyer K. David Jr.


Boyer K. David Jr. Insider Ownership Reports

Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Boyer K. David Jr. owns 1 companies in total, including Truist Financial Corp (TFC) .

Click here to see the complete history of Boyer K. David Jr.’s form 4 insider trades.

Insider Ownership Summary of Boyer K. David Jr.

Ticker Comapny Transaction Date Type of Owner
TFC Truist Financial Corp 2024-03-07 director

Boyer K. David Jr. Latest Holdings Summary

Boyer K. David Jr. currently owns a total of 1 stock. Boyer K. David Jr. owns 20,203 shares of Truist Financial Corp (TFC) as of March 7, 2024, with a value of $963,279.

Latest Holdings of Boyer K. David Jr.

Ticker Comapny Latest Transaction Date Shares Owned Current Price ($) Current Value ($)
TFC Truist Financial Corp 2024-03-07 20,203 47.68 963,279

Holding Weightings of Boyer K. David Jr.

Boyer K. David Jr. Form 4 Trading Tracker

According to the SEC Form 4 filings, Boyer K. David Jr. has made a total of 6 transactions in Truist Financial Corp (TFC) over the past 5 years, including 0 buys and 6 sells. The most-recent trade in Truist Financial Corp is the sale of 3,764 shares on March 7, 2024, which brought Boyer K. David Jr. around $141,075.

Insider Trading History of Boyer K. David Jr.

No transactions are available. GuruFocus only tracks and displays the purchase and sale of non-derivative security in open market or private transactions from SEC filings with the transaction code of P or S.
Total 0
  • 1
Only the transactions in Open Market or Private Sale at the market prices are included. Other transactions such as conversion of derivative security or exercise of options are not included. Insiders are limited to only officers and/or directors of the company.

Boyer K. David Jr. Trading Performance

GuruFocus tracks the stock performance after each of Boyer K. David Jr.'s buying transactions within different timeframes. To be detailed, the average return of stocks after 3 months bought by Boyer K. David Jr. is 3.63%. GuruFocus also compares Boyer K. David Jr.'s trading performance to market benchmark return within the same time period. The performance of stocks bought by Boyer K. David Jr. within 3 months outperforms 3 times out of 5 transactions in total compared to the return of S&P 500 within the same period.

You can select different timeframes to see how Boyer K. David Jr.'s insider trading performs compared to the benchmark.

Please note GuruFocus will not track the insiders’ transaction performance if he/she does not have buying transactions.

Performance of Boyer K. David Jr.

Average Return

Average return per transaction

Outperforming Transactions

2 out of 5 outperforming transactions.
Each transaction is measured over a period and compared to .
1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
Relative Return to S&P 500(%) -2.02 LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT

Boyer K. David Jr. Ownership Network

Ownership Network List of Boyer K. David Jr.

No Data

Ownership Network Relation of Boyer K. David Jr.

Insider Network Chart

Boyer K. David Jr. Owned Company Details

What does Truist Financial Corp do?

Who are the key executives at Truist Financial Corp?

Boyer K. David Jr. is the director of Truist Financial Corp. Other key executives at Truist Financial Corp include President and COO Rogers William H Jr , Corp. Controller & Sr. V.P. Cynthia B Powell , and President- BB&T Corporation Kelly S King .

Truist Financial Corp (TFC) Insider Trades Summary

Over the past 18 months, Boyer K. David Jr. made 1 insider transaction in Truist Financial Corp (TFC) with a net sale of 3,764. Other recent insider transactions involving Truist Financial Corp (TFC) include a net purchase of 101,480 shares made by Rogers William H Jr , a net sale of 6,688 shares made by Cynthia B Powell ,

In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Truist Financial Corp (TFC) in total and bought 34,180 shares, with a net purchase of 34,180 shares. During the past 18 months, 10,452 shares of Truist Financial Corp (TFC) were sold and 101,480 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 91,028 shares.

Truist Financial Corp (TFC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.


Truist Financial Corp Insider Transactions

No Available Data

Boyer K. David Jr. Mailing Address

Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for Boyer K. David Jr.. You might contact Boyer K. David Jr. via mailing address: 214 N Tryon Street, Charlotte Nc 28202.

Discussions on Boyer K. David Jr.

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