Value Partners GroupMutual Fund | |
Value Partners HK | |
Last update 2024-10-15 | 77 Stocks (43 new) |
Value $881.00 Mil | Turnover 42 % |
Portfolio Report |
Value Partners Group Profile
Established in 1993, Value Partners is one of Asia’s largest independent asset management firms offering world-class investment services and products for institutional and individual clients globally.In addition to the Hong Kong headquarters, the firm operates in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and London, and maintains a representative office in Beijing.Value Partners is the first asset management firm listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: HKSE:00806) after it went public in 2007.
Value Partners Group Investing Philosophy
The fund employs a bottom-up approach to stock selection, one that is based on its value investing discipline and focuses on intensive fundamental research. Value Partners embraces a value-based approach in our analysis of investments, one which the firm fosters in its culture and in the training of our investment professionals.
When the firm invests, Value Partners seeks to invest in businesses – not just stocks – on the basis of the firm's 3 “R” principles: Invest in the Right Business that is run by the Right People and is at the Right Price.
When the firm invests, Value Partners seeks to invest in businesses – not just stocks – on the basis of the firm's 3 “R” principles: Invest in the Right Business that is run by the Right People and is at the Right Price.
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