Mairs and Power

Mairs and Power

Mairs & Power Inc
Last update 2024-11-14 228 Stocks (13 new)
Value $10.63 Bil Turnover 2 %
Portfolio Report

Mairs and Power Profile

Minnesota-based Mairs and Power manages three mutual funds, the Growth Fund, the Balanced Fund and the Small-Cap Fund. Each is managed according to the same focused long-term investing process that has been the hallmark of the firm since 1931.

Mairs and Power Investing Philosophy

The firm believes the best way to make money for its clients is to consistently utilize a disciplined long-term investment approach. Mairs and Power focuses on companies with consistent, above-average growth, strong returns on invested capital and durable competitive advantages. Low turnover approach allows for fewer, better thought-out investment decisions; following companies for years allows for broad understanding of business strategy, competitive environment and end market business cycle impacts. Maris and Power also focuses on a less efficient area of the market to potentially benefit investors who can take a long-term approach, unlike many active managers and hedge fund managers who focus on short-term catalysts.
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