Charles de Vaulx

Charles de Vaulx | IVWAX

Mutual Fund
IVA Worldwide Fund
Last update 2021-03-01 55 Stocks (2 new)
Value $1.35 Bil Turnover 6 %
Portfolio Report

Charles de Vaulx Profile

Before being liquidated in 2021, Charles de Vaulx was the chief investment officer and portfolio manager at International Value Advisers, LLC. He joined the firm in May 2008. Until March 2007, de Vaulx was portfolio manager of the First Eagle Global, Overseas, U.S. Value, Gold and Variable Funds, together with a number of separately managed institutional accounts. He was solely responsible for management of the Sofire Fund Ltd. when it won an Absolute Return Award for Fund of the Year in the global equity category in 2005 and 2006. In addition to sharing Morningstar's International Stock Manager of the Year Award in 2001 with his co-manager, de Vaulx was runner-up for the same award in 2006.
Charles de Vaulx graduated from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Rouen in France and holds the French equivalent of a Master's degree in finance.

Charles de Vaulx Investing Philosophy

Charles de Vaulx employed a value-oriented approach and sought investments in companies of any size that typically had one or more of the following characteristics: financial strength, temporarily depressed earnings or entrenched franchises. However, the overriding attribute of such companies is that their securities offer fundamental value. He was a global investor as most of his portfolio was invested in international companies. Before the firm’s liquidation in 2021, the portfolio we tracked for de Vaulx was the IVA Worldwide Fund.
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